FAQ about Elisa Sanches

Elisa Sanches photo

Age, Country, Aliases, Boob Job, Social Links, etc.

When is Elisa Sanches's birthday?

Elisa Sanches was born on August 21, 1981.

How old is Elisa Sanches?

Elisa Sanches is 43.

What is Elisa Sanches's zodiac sign?

Elisa Sanches’s zodiac sign is Leo.

Where is Elisa Sanches from?

Elisa Sanches from Brazil.

Where was Elisa Sanches born?

Elisa Sanches was born in Alenquer, Para.

Does Elisa Sanches have other names or aliases?

Yes, Elisa Sanches is also known as Elisa Sanchez, Paloma Maya.

Did Elisa Sanches get a boob job?

Yes. Elisa Sanches have fake boobs.

Does Elisa Sanches have natural boobs or implants?

Elisa Sanches have fake boobs.

What color are Elisa Sanches's eyes?

Elisa Sanches’s eyes are brown.

What color is Elisa Sanches's hair?

Elisa Sanches’s hair is black.

How tall is Elisa Sanches?

Elisa Sanches is 5ft 4in (165cm) tall.

What does Elisa Sanches weigh?

Elisa Sanches weighs 132lbs (60kg).

Does Elisa Sanches have tattoos?

Butterfly On Left Shoulder; Bird With Long Tail Outside Left Leg; Vine Of Flowers On Back; Butterfly On Lower Back; Owl On Right Flank; Flowers On Right Lower Belly; Rolling Stones Mouth With Tongue On Left Groin.

Does Elisa Sanches have piercings?


What ethnicity is Elisa Sanches?

Elisa Sanches is Caucasian.

Does Elisa Sanches have Twitter?

Yes. Elisa Sanches’s Twitter is @elisapornstar.

Does Elisa Sanches have Instagram?

Yes. Elisa Sanches’s Instagram is @elisasanchesreal.

Does Elisa Sanches have Facebook?

Yes. Elisa Sanches’s Facebook is elisa.sanches.7927.

Does Elisa Sanches have Instagram?

Yes. Elisa Sanches’s Instagram is @elisasanchesofi.

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