FAQ about Rollie Rawlings

Rollie Rawlings photo

Age, Country, Social Links, etc.

When is Rollie Rawlings's birthday?

Rollie Rawlings was born on September 25, 1998.

How old is Rollie Rawlings?

Rollie Rawlings is 26.

What is Rollie Rawlings's zodiac sign?

Rollie Rawlings’s zodiac sign is Libra.

Where is Rollie Rawlings from?

Rollie Rawlings from United States.

Where was Rollie Rawlings born?

Rollie Rawlings was born in Los Angeles, California.

What color is Rollie Rawlings's hair?

Rollie Rawlings’s hair is brown.

How tall is Rollie Rawlings?

Rollie Rawlings is 5ft 5in (167cm) tall.

Does Rollie Rawlings have tattoos?

Musical staff and notes upper right arm; right inner forearm; left biceps; left inner forearm and wrist; crown lower right abdomen; left side of neck; '1998' right ankle; left ankle.

Does Rollie Rawlings have piercings?

Right nostril.

What ethnicity is Rollie Rawlings?

Rollie Rawlings is Latin.

Does Rollie Rawlings have Instagram?

Yes. Rollie Rawlings’s Instagram is @rolliibaddii.

Does Rollie Rawlings have Twitter?

Yes. Rollie Rawlings’s Twitter is @Rollie_Rawlings.

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