Age, Country, Social Links, etc.
When is Ada Lyn's birthday?
Ada Lyn was born on May 19, 2005.
How old is Ada Lyn?
Ada Lyn is 19.
What is Ada Lyn's zodiac sign?
Ada Lyn’s zodiac sign is Taurus.
Where is Ada Lyn from?
Ada Lyn from United States.
What color is Ada Lyn's hair?
Ada Lyn’s hair is brown.
How tall is Ada Lyn?
Ada Lyn is 5ft 8in (175cm) tall.
Does Ada Lyn have tattoos?
Female figure with antlers and moths on center of upper chest; right side of neck; left forearm; right hand and wrist.
What ethnicity is Ada Lyn?
Ada Lyn is Latin.
Does Ada Lyn have Twitter?
Yes. Ada Lyn’s Twitter is @MissAdaLynXXX.
Does Ada Lyn have Instagram?
Yes. Ada Lyn’s Instagram is @missadalynxoxo.