Age, Country, Social Links, etc.
When is Alice Ramos's birthday?
Alice Ramos was born on February 12, 1981.
How old is Alice Ramos?
Alice Ramos is 44.
What is Alice Ramos's zodiac sign?
Alice Ramos’s zodiac sign is Aquarius.
Where is Alice Ramos from?
Alice Ramos from Brazil.
Where was Alice Ramos born?
Alice Ramos was born in Capitolio, Minas Gerais.
What color are Alice Ramos's eyes?
Alice Ramos’s eyes are brown.
What color is Alice Ramos's hair?
Alice Ramos’s hair is blonde.
How tall is Alice Ramos?
Alice Ramos is 5ft 5in (167cm) tall.
What does Alice Ramos weigh?
Alice Ramos weighs 130lbs (59kg).
What is Alice Ramos's hip size?
Alice Ramos’s hip is 37in (93cm).
What is Alice Ramos's shoe size?
Alice Ramos’s shoe size 36 eu.
Does Alice Ramos have tattoos?
No Tattoos.
Does Alice Ramos have piercings?
No Piercings.
What ethnicity is Alice Ramos?
Alice Ramos is Latin.
Does Alice Ramos have Facebook?
Yes. Alice Ramos’s Facebook is alice.ramos.9638.
Does Alice Ramos have Instagram?
Yes. Alice Ramos’s Instagram is @aliceramosoficial.