Age, Country, Zodiac Sign, Eye Color, Hair Color, Height, Weight, etc.
When is Atomi Shiota's birthday?
Atomi Shiota was born on February 12, 1980.
How old is Atomi Shiota?
Atomi Shiota is 45.
What is Atomi Shiota's zodiac sign?
Atomi Shiota’s zodiac sign is Aquarius.
Where is Atomi Shiota from?
Atomi Shiota from Japan.
What color are Atomi Shiota's eyes?
Atomi Shiota’s eyes are brown.
What color is Atomi Shiota's hair?
Atomi Shiota’s hair is brown.
How tall is Atomi Shiota?
Atomi Shiota is 5ft 2in (160cm) tall.
What does Atomi Shiota weigh?
Atomi Shiota weighs 114lbs (52kg).
Does Atomi Shiota have tattoos?
Does Atomi Shiota have piercings?
What ethnicity is Atomi Shiota?
Atomi Shiota is Asian.