Age, Country, Aliases, Social Links, etc.
When is Delphine Chaneac's birthday?
Delphine Chaneac was born on November 14, 1978.
How old is Delphine Chaneac?
Delphine Chaneac is 46.
What is Delphine Chaneac's zodiac sign?
Delphine Chaneac’s zodiac sign is Scorpio.
Where is Delphine Chaneac from?
Delphine Chaneac from France.
Where was Delphine Chaneac born?
Delphine Chaneac was born in Rueil Malmaison, Ile-de-France.
Does Delphine Chaneac have other names or aliases?
Yes, Delphine Chaneac is also known as Delphine Chanéac.
What color are Delphine Chaneac's eyes?
Delphine Chaneac’s eyes are grey.
What color is Delphine Chaneac's hair?
Delphine Chaneac’s hair is black.
How tall is Delphine Chaneac?
Delphine Chaneac is 5ft 5in (167cm) tall.
Does Delphine Chaneac have tattoos?
Does Delphine Chaneac have piercings?
What ethnicity is Delphine Chaneac?
Delphine Chaneac is Caucasian.
Does Delphine Chaneac have Twitter?
Yes. Delphine Chaneac’s Twitter is @delphinechaneac.