Age, Country, Social Links, etc.
When is Elizabeth Brofos's birthday?
Elizabeth Brofos was born on April 13, 1992.
How old is Elizabeth Brofos?
Elizabeth Brofos is 32.
What is Elizabeth Brofos's zodiac sign?
Elizabeth Brofos’s zodiac sign is Aries.
Where is Elizabeth Brofos from?
Elizabeth Brofos from Norway.
What color are Elizabeth Brofos's eyes?
Elizabeth Brofos’s eyes are blue.
What color is Elizabeth Brofos's hair?
Elizabeth Brofos’s hair is blonde.
Does Elizabeth Brofos have tattoos?
No Tattoos.
Does Elizabeth Brofos have piercings?
What ethnicity is Elizabeth Brofos?
Elizabeth Brofos is Caucasian.
Does Elizabeth Brofos have Facebook?
Yes. Elizabeth Brofos’s Facebook is people/Elizabeth-Brofos/1704901753.