Country, Boob Job, Social Links, etc.
Where is Eszter Oczella from?
Eszter Oczella from Hungary.
Did Eszter Oczella get a boob job?
Yes. Eszter Oczella have fake boobs.
Does Eszter Oczella have natural boobs or implants?
Eszter Oczella have fake boobs.
What color are Eszter Oczella's eyes?
Eszter Oczella’s eyes are blue.
What color is Eszter Oczella's hair?
Eszter Oczella’s hair is blonde.
Does Eszter Oczella have tattoos?
No Tattoos.
Does Eszter Oczella have piercings?
No Piercings.
What ethnicity is Eszter Oczella?
Eszter Oczella is Caucasian.
Does Eszter Oczella have Facebook?
Yes. Eszter Oczella’s Facebook is oczellaeszter.