Age, Country, Social Links, etc.
When is Hannah Vanessa's birthday?
Hannah Vanessa was born on October 03, 1989.
How old is Hannah Vanessa?
Hannah Vanessa is 35.
What is Hannah Vanessa's zodiac sign?
Hannah Vanessa’s zodiac sign is Libra.
Where is Hannah Vanessa from?
Hannah Vanessa from Brazil.
Where was Hannah Vanessa born?
Hannah Vanessa was born in Brazil.
What color are Hannah Vanessa's eyes?
Hannah Vanessa’s eyes are brown.
What color is Hannah Vanessa's hair?
Hannah Vanessa’s hair is black.
Does Hannah Vanessa have tattoos?
No Tattoos.
Does Hannah Vanessa have piercings?
What ethnicity is Hannah Vanessa?
Hannah Vanessa is Latin.
Does Hannah Vanessa have Twitter?
Yes. Hannah Vanessa’s Twitter is @hannahvanessa.
Does Hannah Vanessa have Instagram?
Yes. Hannah Vanessa’s Instagram is @hannahcantora.
Does Hannah Vanessa have Facebook?
Yes. Hannah Vanessa’s Facebook is hannahvanessaoficial.