Age, Country, Boob Job, etc.
When is Lisa Amane's birthday?
Lisa Amane was born on December 1, 1989.
How old is Lisa Amane?
Lisa Amane is 35.
What is Lisa Amane's zodiac sign?
Lisa Amane’s zodiac sign is Sagittarius.
Where is Lisa Amane from?
Lisa Amane from Italy.
Did Lisa Amane get a boob job?
Yes. Lisa Amane have fake boobs.
Does Lisa Amane have natural boobs or implants?
Lisa Amane have fake boobs.
What color is Lisa Amane's hair?
Lisa Amane’s hair is blonde.
Does Lisa Amane have tattoos?
Playboy rabbit left breast; tiger outer right upper leg; design left lower arm.
Does Lisa Amane have piercings?
Right nostril; above left upper lip; navel.
What ethnicity is Lisa Amane?
Lisa Amane is Caucasian.