Age, Country, Aliases, etc.
When is Mary Pickford's birthday?
Mary Pickford was born on April 08, 1892.
How old is Mary Pickford?
Mary Pickford is 132.
Where is Mary Pickford from?
Mary Pickford from Canada.
Where was Mary Pickford born?
Mary Pickford was born in Toronto, Ontario.
Does Mary Pickford have other names or aliases?
Yes, Mary Pickford is also known as Gladys Marie Smith.
What color are Mary Pickford's eyes?
Mary Pickford’s eyes are brown.
What color is Mary Pickford's hair?
Mary Pickford’s hair is brown.
How tall is Mary Pickford?
Mary Pickford is 5ft 0in (154cm) tall.
What does Mary Pickford weigh?
Mary Pickford weighs 110lbs (50kg).
What is Mary Pickford's waist size?
Mary Pickford’s waist is 26in (66cm).
What is Mary Pickford's hip size?
Mary Pickford’s hip is 36in (91cm).
Does Mary Pickford have tattoos?
No Tattoos.
Does Mary Pickford have piercings?
What ethnicity is Mary Pickford?
Mary Pickford is Caucasian.