Age, Country, Social Links, etc.
When is Melanie Blatt's birthday?
Melanie Blatt was born on March 25, 1975.
How old is Melanie Blatt?
Melanie Blatt is 49.
What is Melanie Blatt's zodiac sign?
Melanie Blatt’s zodiac sign is Aries.
Where is Melanie Blatt from?
Melanie Blatt from United Kingdom.
Where was Melanie Blatt born?
Melanie Blatt was born in London, England.
Does Melanie Blatt have tattoos?
Does Melanie Blatt have piercings?
No Piercings.
Does Melanie Blatt have Twitter?
Yes. Melanie Blatt’s Twitter is @melblatt.
Does Melanie Blatt have Facebook?
Yes. Melanie Blatt’s Facebook is Melanie-Blatt-172328099454498.