Age, Country, Boob Job, Social Links, etc.
When is Rachel Zeskind's birthday?
Rachel Zeskind was born on January 28, 1973.
How old is Rachel Zeskind?
Rachel Zeskind is 52.
What is Rachel Zeskind's zodiac sign?
Rachel Zeskind’s zodiac sign is Aquarius.
Where is Rachel Zeskind from?
Rachel Zeskind from United States.
Did Rachel Zeskind get a boob job?
Yes. Rachel Zeskind have fake boobs.
Does Rachel Zeskind have natural boobs or implants?
Rachel Zeskind have fake boobs.
What color are Rachel Zeskind's eyes?
Rachel Zeskind’s eyes are brown.
What color is Rachel Zeskind's hair?
Rachel Zeskind’s hair is black.
How tall is Rachel Zeskind?
Rachel Zeskind is 4ft 10in (149cm) tall.
What is Rachel Zeskind's shoe size?
Rachel Zeskind’s shoe size 36 eu.
Does Rachel Zeskind have tattoos?
"Lillian" Behind Left Shoulder; Quotation In Kanji Symbols Middle Lower Back Above Bikini Line; Kanji Symbol Inside Left Leg Above Ankle; Small Five Pointed Star On Top Of Middle Toe On Left Foot; Flower On Inside Left Breast; Butterfly On Lower Right Abd.
Does Rachel Zeskind have piercings?
What ethnicity is Rachel Zeskind?
Rachel Zeskind is Caucasian.
Does Rachel Zeskind have Instagram?
Yes. Rachel Zeskind’s Instagram is @rachelzeskind.