FAQ about Raquel Lace

Age, Aliases, Zodiac Sign, Eye Color, Hair Color, Height, Weight, etc.

When is Raquel Lace's birthday?

Raquel Lace was born on August 03, 1972.

How old is Raquel Lace?

Raquel Lace is 52.

What is Raquel Lace's zodiac sign?

Raquel Lace’s zodiac sign is Leo.

Does Raquel Lace have other names or aliases?

Yes, Raquel Lace is also known as Racquel Lace, Rockelle, Rocquel Lace.

What color are Raquel Lace's eyes?

Raquel Lace’s eyes are brown.

What color is Raquel Lace's hair?

Raquel Lace’s hair is brown.

How tall is Raquel Lace?

Raquel Lace is 5ft 5in (167cm) tall.

What does Raquel Lace weigh?

Raquel Lace weighs 132lbs (60kg).

Does Raquel Lace have tattoos?

Right Buttock.

Does Raquel Lace have piercings?

Left Nostril.

What ethnicity is Raquel Lace?

Raquel Lace is Latin.

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