Age, Country, Social Links, etc.
When is Selenge Erdene-Ochir's birthday?
Selenge Erdene-Ochir was born on December 30, 1987.
How old is Selenge Erdene-Ochir?
Selenge Erdene-Ochir is 37.
What is Selenge Erdene-Ochir's zodiac sign?
Selenge Erdene-Ochir’s zodiac sign is Capricorn.
Where is Selenge Erdene-Ochir from?
Selenge Erdene-Ochir from Mongolia.
Where was Selenge Erdene-Ochir born?
Selenge Erdene-Ochir was born in Erdenet, Hovsgol.
What color are Selenge Erdene-Ochir's eyes?
Selenge Erdene-Ochir’s eyes are brown.
What color is Selenge Erdene-Ochir's hair?
Selenge Erdene-Ochir’s hair is black.
How tall is Selenge Erdene-Ochir?
Selenge Erdene-Ochir is 5ft 10in (180cm) tall.
What is Selenge Erdene-Ochir's waist size?
Selenge Erdene-Ochir’s waist is 24in (60cm).
What is Selenge Erdene-Ochir's hip size?
Selenge Erdene-Ochir’s hip is 35in (88cm).
Does Selenge Erdene-Ochir have tattoos?
Does Selenge Erdene-Ochir have piercings?
No Piercings.
What ethnicity is Selenge Erdene-Ochir?
Selenge Erdene-Ochir is Asian.
Does Selenge Erdene-Ochir have Twitter?
Yes. Selenge Erdene-Ochir’s Twitter is @selenge_erdene.
Does Selenge Erdene-Ochir have Facebook?
Yes. Selenge Erdene-Ochir’s Facebook is SunAngelRockAndRoll.