Age, Country, Boob Job, etc.
When is Steffani Prudencio's birthday?
Steffani Prudencio was born on July 30, 1994.
How old is Steffani Prudencio?
Steffani Prudencio is 30.
What is Steffani Prudencio's zodiac sign?
Steffani Prudencio’s zodiac sign is Leo.
Where is Steffani Prudencio from?
Steffani Prudencio from Brazil.
Where was Steffani Prudencio born?
Steffani Prudencio was born in Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo.
Did Steffani Prudencio get a boob job?
Yes. Steffani Prudencio have fake boobs.
Does Steffani Prudencio have natural boobs or implants?
Steffani Prudencio have fake boobs.
What color are Steffani Prudencio's eyes?
Steffani Prudencio’s eyes are blue.
What color is Steffani Prudencio's hair?
Steffani Prudencio’s hair is brown.
How tall is Steffani Prudencio?
Steffani Prudencio is 5ft 2in (158cm) tall.
What is Steffani Prudencio's hip size?
Steffani Prudencio’s hip is 40in (101cm).
Does Steffani Prudencio have tattoos?
Feather Between Right Breast And Collar Bone; Star Above Hip; Balloon In A Ribbon On Rear Right Thigh..
Does Steffani Prudencio have piercings?
No Piercings.
What ethnicity is Steffani Prudencio?
Steffani Prudencio is Latin.