FAQ about Catherine Russell

Catherine Russell photo

Age, Country, Social Links, etc.

When is Catherine Russell's birthday?

Catherine Russell was born on April 17, 1965.

How old is Catherine Russell?

Catherine Russell is 59.

What is Catherine Russell's zodiac sign?

Catherine Russell’s zodiac sign is Aries.

Where is Catherine Russell from?

Catherine Russell from United Kingdom.

Where was Catherine Russell born?

Catherine Russell was born in Lambeth, England.

What color are Catherine Russell's eyes?

Catherine Russell’s eyes are brown.

What color is Catherine Russell's hair?

Catherine Russell’s hair is black.

Does Catherine Russell have tattoos?


Does Catherine Russell have piercings?


What ethnicity is Catherine Russell?

Catherine Russell is Caucasian.

Does Catherine Russell have Twitter?

Yes. Catherine Russell’s Twitter is @catherinerusse2.

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