Age, Country, Social Links, etc.
When is Yulia Suicide's birthday?
Yulia Suicide was born on June 29, 1985.
How old is Yulia Suicide?
Yulia Suicide is 39.
What is Yulia Suicide's zodiac sign?
Yulia Suicide’s zodiac sign is Cancer.
Where is Yulia Suicide from?
Yulia Suicide from Canada.
What color are Yulia Suicide's eyes?
Yulia Suicide’s eyes are hazel.
What color is Yulia Suicide's hair?
Yulia Suicide’s hair is auburn.
Does Yulia Suicide have tattoos?
No Tattoos.
Does Yulia Suicide have piercings?
Navel; Nose; Both Nipples.
What ethnicity is Yulia Suicide?
Yulia Suicide is Caucasian.
Does Yulia Suicide have Twitter?
Yes. Yulia Suicide’s Twitter is @yuliasuicide.